Gallery Alumni Sekolah Kristen Yusuf Angkatan 1983 - Jakarta

Home > 6. Reuni > Lunch Gathering 2006
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Yang Nong memperlihatkan foto2 tempo doeloe kepada teman2.
L-R: SuChing, Giok Kheng, Yang Nong, Fenny Leslie, Elywati (duduk), Sin Fung

Melihat foto-foto dulu

Yang Nong memperlihatkan foto2 tempo doeloe kepada teman2.
L-R: SuChing, Giok Kheng, Yang Nong, Fenny Leslie, Elywati (duduk), Sin Fung

reuni2006_angk_77.jpg F1070006.jpg 200607152029_00174.jpg samsuki3.jpg Reuni_2006_04.jpg 43a8.jpg kokoh_m.jpg
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File information
Album name:indra / Lunch Gathering 2006
Rating (1 votes):00000
When:22 July 2006
Filesize:114 KiB
Date added:Jul 24, 2006
Dimensions:1000 x 667 pixels
Displayed:124 times
EXIF Image Height:667 pixels
FlashPix Version:version 1
Resolution Unit:Inch
Y Resolution:230 dots per ResolutionUnit
YCbCrPositioning:Center of Pixel Array
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