Gallery Alumni Sekolah Kristen Yusuf Angkatan 1983 - Jakarta

Home > 5. Self/Family Potrait > Album Foto - Yang Nong
Curug Linung, Mega Mendung
The real Curug Linung is unseen as a result of covered  by wall surrounding the waterfall, so you need to cross the water come inside the small waterfall behind.

Curug Linung, Mega Mendung

The real Curug Linung is unseen as a result of covered by wall surrounding the waterfall, so you need to cross the water come inside the small waterfall behind.

DSC00515.JPG DSC00507.JPG Mt_Anak_Krakatau_Peak.jpg Curug_Linung,_Mega_Mendung.jpg Another_Sunset_on_Mr_Slamet.jpg Starting_Mt_Slamet_Summit_attack.jpg Mt_Slamet_Summit_Attack_Strat_Point.jpg
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File information
Album name:yangnong / Album Foto - Yang Nong
Filesize:232 KiB
Date added:Oct 13, 2007
Dimensions:400 x 300 pixels
Displayed:44 times
Digital Zoom Ratio:0
EXIF Image Height:300 pixels
FlashPix Version:version 1
Gain Control:1
Resolution Unit:Inch
Y Resolution:75 dots per ResolutionUnit
YCbCrPositioning:Center of Pixel Array
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